Falling Star

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

C.C Introduction

C.C stand for Cybersociety and Communication. All DMS2 compulsary to have Facebook, Twitter and Blogspot account as we been told on monday by Ms Farah. She is a part time tutor for our Cybersociety and Communication in this semester. The reason that she want us to create account on the selected communication tools is for our assignment. I wonder how interest was our assignment like.

Well, there are 60% for exam whereas 40% for coursework marks. 15% is for the Individual assignment, 20% for Group assignment and 5% for Mid-Term. As my opinion, i think we need to learn about the communication skills in cyber world and also the cyber laws. I guess, there are a lot of specific term and theory need us to memories. God Bless! I'm not very sure and understand what Ms Farah try to let us know and want us to do. We are just follow the instructions. =)

Here comes my link for Facebook, Twitter and Blogspot.





